

Hi, I'm Brandy - Freelance Content Strategist, Social Media Mentor, and Outdoor Enthusiast.

In January 2020 I found myself unable to deny my wandering spirit any longer. I hit a breaking point with work and had a choice to make. I could lean into what I loved most, or I could stay stuck.

January 15th, 2020: I turned in the keys to my 9-5.

Walking away was terrifying, but I committed to aligning my passions with my actions. I was persistent about designing a life tailored to what lights me up: travel, and creating.

With 10+ years of experience in blogging and content creation, I took the skills I already had and turned them into a freelancing business, later obtaining certifications in social media strategy and content marketing.

Today, I help creators and business owners strategize, create, and manage their social media content.

My mission is to empower you not to settle when you feel your heart wandering. If you're posting on social media or a blog, then you already have some content creation skills. You can use those skills to start freelancing, and you'll be one step closer to remote work life.

If 2020 taught us nothing else, it's that now is the time to take your work with you! Travel while earning an income is possible.

I hope this blog inspires you to lean into your passions. There is a reason you are being called to the open road and the outdoors. There is a reason your talents are begging to be expressed. You are not meant for the traditional 9-5 and neither was I. May you never sell yourself short on your dreams!

Read The Full “About Me” Here